Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The story of time

Something I wrote back in high school. Cleaning up my room,went through garbage things and saw this:

Time is envious, 
Time is greedy,
It eats through seconds,
It never understands the word full or stop.
It ticks and moves whenever we move,
but it, does not stop whenever we stop,
we chase through time,
but we would always loose,
as time moves faster than any living thing could.
We can only move forward and not turn back,
as forward is the future,
turning back would be our past.
Time will never give us the permission to turn back,
only memories through our minds we would see the past,
which is why we can never say that we have time,
because we do not have it,
no living soul can catch or have time,
it is aggressive and bitter than anything else in this world.
If time could talk, we will only hear harsh words from it,
though, if we ask time to tell us a story,
it will never be lack of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oohhhh awak call saya sebab joe tanye kalau i pick up the phone ehh?
I tanak pick up phne dia lagi la.
I tanak ade apa dengan dia.
teruk taw knowing that I'm still close to him walaupun dah declared OVER & DONE.

now my life is fully about family & friends. hahaha.

NO TEMAN tapi mesra basis.


YOU+THE WIND BLOWING while riding the car = inseparable!


i misssssss you &&&&& the rest of em while in cyber.
Hopefully things get better for all of us.
