Thursday, December 4, 2008

jerk ass

       5 o'clcok in the morning, obviously my medication is not working today.maybe, I would sleep the whole day tomorrow. I have problems with men, or maybe, just malay men. I have made my conclusion, most malay men that is, not all. I have been through sooo many relationships with them, I thought my last one would be it, my last date, which is why the family came along,but, unfortunately he turned up to be an asswhole too. Most of my ex either cheated on me, or would just be too malay, meaning (no education, no speaky and definately would want to marry me at the age of 16 and would want me to eat grass after the marriage). Yes, I am 19, yes, its too young for me,but, to all of my ex who cheated on me. I am not dumb, I knew the change, I knew when you wanted to cheat, I knew you wanted to run the minute you twist things. Dare you to say, "who would want me, nobody" Hah! you're men, women would melt regardless. Things like 'she's not my girlfriend,she's my scandal' Moron! Do you think that I am that daft, you put her name as "yayang" Pathetic! Seriously Pathetic! How you can tell me that she's not the same as me, what is that? A pick up line?! Just to have sympathy on you, to what? because you have been flirting with tons of people and crushing me like a monster? Saying things like I think I would loose my job, all of my friends say that I am gonna be next. Yeah! BE NEXT! I friggin helped you when you first got your job, when you dont need my help you leave. Oh wait! you say "can I have abit of money for my petrol, and some food tomorrow" I would say sure, take...but, when you have money, you dump me! How dare dare you say "here we go again" whenever I fucking cry....I tell you this...when you start with your studies, you would think of me again. I know you would! I am quite confident. Than you would know how I feel, how hurt I am, too bad you're too blind right now. Too bad you're too stupid. I gave you everything and no one, no one at all can replace're one can give you the love that I gave you... you would crawl back, the way I did, maybe worst. Right now, you would go out with your friends, have flirting fun with pretty girls yes, you would think that you have what you wanted,but, remember, I gave you the confidence, you looked like a rempit first I met you. I cut your hair,and now you're who you are. A MALAY JERK!  Guess what? The other girls wont have families like mine, you would think that its great,but, no, its not, because my family the lovely family that you're comfortable with, wont be with any girls around you. My family is superb dont you think? Oja,Nadyn,Hani,My sisters, oh yes! I know you miss them. Even all the fancy restaurants I taught you, you didnt know chillies, you didnt know italinies,sri ayuthiya...yeah! my family brought you there...if it wasnt for them and me, you wouldnt know nuts. Oh yea, before, how come your parents didnt give you money? I am seriously your stepping stone just waited to break up with me when you know you could succeed. FUCKING JERK! you tell me that you hate my friends,why? because they backstab me in the back and you think they are weird....but, cant you see?,'re doing worst than what they are doing. My friends do not leave me in the streets. Like I said, someday, you would know what you're doing now would be one of your worst mistake in life. At that time, I would be better than you, and at that time, I would look down on you, like how you look down on me, probably worst. 

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