Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today, my first day alone in was rather awkward as I am used to having my sister around. I did not say much to anyone, I just kept on climbing the auto belay and my arms were weak,so, half way on each wall is what i could do. The curly haired guy was there, I think he noticed me giggle when he was teaching the little kids climbing. He was damn adddoooooorrrable! Every time I go to Camp 5, he would be teaching the kids. Long wavy haired guy + kids = nabila melting. Well, ofcourse I did not say a damn word to him. He smiled, and I smiled at each other...I think thats about it. Nah, I was just lying to you...we didnt even smile together, but, we did kind of ate dinner together.

He sat on the table right behind me in the cafeteria and the kids there just LOVED him. Again, because kids can be funny at times, I giggled. I really really like it when he talks. His voice gets deep and he sounds like a stoner,but, its impossible to be stoned and teaching kids to climb. The only contact we had the whole damn day is when I struggled to get on to the auto belay. He pulled down the rope for me and I said thank you. He spoke to Raimy...why can't he speak to me!!!!! Me!!!!! I didnt see Raimy today, I guess he went home early and I was too late to catch him. If he was there I would have a climbing partner,but too bad nabila!

Next, is where the bad part of the story starts coming out. I went home with the bus, as usual, I had to wait for about one and a half hours. The bus was full, so, I had to stand. When I reached Kelana Jaya station, another creepy guy asked me questions where I quickly ran to the train. As I reached Paramount, it started drizzling, but, I thought I could make it home if I walked really fast. I was totally wrong, half way back, the rain started pouring like it was against me. I had no where to go as a shade, so, I had to stand somewhere near the Madrasah being soaked.

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