Thursday, January 14, 2010

A book called Yasmin Ahmad's Films

I think it is more of a norm for a modern 20 year old to not sleep at 5 or 6 am in the morning. I have been online and I have seen twitters or facebook status saying things like "i have insomnia" or "its 6am and I am still awake" well probably not in those specific words, but, more or less so. I have tried to make myself to sleep, but, obviously it has not been working, also the fact that I have "accidentally" forgotten to take my pill "buddy" S-Q does not help with the sleeping either.

"Amir Muhammad's book" taken somwhere from the internet :D

So, in my attempt of "trying" to sleep, I decided to read Amir Muhammad's book on Yasmin Ahmad's Film and yes the title of the book is "Yasmin Ahmad's Films". Since young of age my parents and sisters have encouraged me to read his articles. Not only that we read his articles (or rather I had to read one of his articles aloud in front of them) but, also, my sister had a HUGE crush on him and in the end, she found out he was gay,but, still pins a picture of us my sister and I together with him on her cork board in her bedroom. Which was taken when I was about 9. I think if she were to read this I would be slaughtered and yelled at,but, if and I say if he reads this immature article he would laugh not at my sister but at the fact that some "girl" now woman had a crush on him.

TalenTime (taken somewhere from the internet)
Enough about my sister and her ex-crush. This book was written just a month after Yasmin Ahdmad's funeral. I think his opinions are very much of what my opinions would be like,but, with better writing skills. I would always look forward to her films and advertisements as she never fails to touch the souls of others especially us Malaysians. When I was reading the book, he reminded me that Malaysian films do not have people reading books and the reality of it all most Malaysians do not read (sometimes include myself) which in my mind concludes that most of us seek through visual medias, therefore, we should have quality productions rather than films like "bohsia" or any other films by Yusof Haslam and generate put good values in like what Yasmin Ahdmad did in most of her film. For instance giving a help to a prostitute by teaching her how to read Iqra' (a learning book of Arabic scripts/alphabets). Maybe than people would start to learn and read again,maybe than we could finally reach out to the minds of the narrow. My father would always say that education and reading would make us go far. Which is true and I never follow as I am very stubborn.

Talentime again (I am just taking random pictures...I am not sure which picture would be suitable for this, I haven't gotten any sleep so I am trying to speed things up)

I think I shall stop, my sister made me pancakes for breakfast. I would go on and on,but, I doubt that this entry would lead me to anywhere,but, I am just trying to share what I think and it is still NOT ENOUGH. I want change. I wish I could start a revolution. Why? Open up your eyes and see, if you look wide enough you would see huge holes and cracks ( I am not sure if that made sense to you) but, it would take me hours to tell you what I mean.

Alright this one last life story of my father just to prove a bit of a point. My father who is in his 50's has been friends with his Chinese and Indian friends since primary school and when I say since meaning they are still friends. What I am trying to say is that kids nowadays which means my generation prefers not to mix around. I remember in school there are segregation between the malays the chinese and the indian. I would only see one or two malays sitting in a crowd of chinese and indian. Which saddens me because I know that it would be worst if nothing is done. I know that the gap would be further even in school.