Tuesday, February 15, 2011

the plug pin problem

It has passed my recent bed time (which by the way is usually 12am the most), but, my head didn't let me sleep. It bothered me with thoughts, that I had to write it down somewhere. Writing in paper with pen couldn't just do it, felt wrong (it is a modern era) besides, I have a huge laptop on my bed, I might just put it to some use. Frankly, having the process of "successfully" typing this entry requires quite a lot of energy. Why you may ask? Yeah,I know...you may think that it is just a matter of clicking and creating a new entry,but, I had to

find a proper plug to my laptop, the only plug is right under my bed

Why is it a problem?

It is a problem because my bed is at least 1 foot tall and I swear if you fall from my bed you would get injuries,probably quite a major one.

About my bed?

It is somewhat like a princess like bed (which is so not me) but, I still love it! It is an antique that my dad took from the attic of my relatives house. When my dad first got it, it was really really rusty, like you can barely see the shape of the metal, but, dad got it clean and painted it white. The bed is apparently more than 100 years old, and it belonged to my grandmother.

Done with the bed story.

Back to the plug problem.

When the bed is 1 foot tall, me, being quite (not to say hoarder because that would just mean that I collect and don't dispense anything) a keeper or a collector, it is filled with things. So, going to the plug under my bed is like swimming through laps of things with tiny space that would make your forehead sore because it kept bumping onto the surface of the bed every time your body gets through at least an inch.

When I finally got to the plug, I realized that there was something wrong with the pins,so, it took me about at least 10 minutes to fit the charger into the plug pin.

After all that, I felt an accomplishment. I didn't think that I felt this accomplished when I went to my graduation ceremony. Oh well, I might be exaggerating,but, than again, you're not me, so you wouldn't know if it is true or false and you shouldn't care either.

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