Thursday, July 9, 2009

the ungrateful complaints

Things have not been as good, yes, I have been going out,but, with people I am not that close too, it feels different. I miss hanging out with my usual friends. Havent been sleeping properly and my parents have been giving me limited curfews lately. I have been jogging,but, I still have not lost any weight, I have been the same since the past 2 months. Yes, I sound like I am complaining, but, its so frustrating to exercise and not have any satisfying result. My goal is to atleast do proper chinups, but, I still can't do it. alright i am doing my complain list. I better warn you if you don't like complaints, please don't read this alright.So, here goes :

1. I think I am loosing my close friends , I don't know why,maybe its just a feeling,maybe I am being paranoid,but, I hope its not true...

2. I am tired of fighting for my freedom. Yes, I know they care for would be endless to bicker with them, because I have my opinion and they have their own.

3. I dont know where my goal of being fit is heading. Exercising everyday, yes, maybe it hasn't been enough. I need to go jog more rounds and not walk.....about the chin ups, maybe I just need to do other stuff...

4. I am not sure if I want a boyfriend,but, I somehow feel like having someone who understands me and someone(a guy) who I can talk to properly with me. I don't think I have seen the right person yet. I guess I am just being too picky. The guys I like don't even like me back,so, whats the point there. Guys are good to be friends with...I just like being friends with them, thats it I guess.

5. My sleeping habit is a goner. I can't seem to have the right timing to sleep, it would always be really late.

6. I want to do so many things, but, I have done nothing. I want to travel,sky dive,scuba dive,help orphans,do charity work...but, NOTHING,NOTHING has been done AT ALL.

7. driving license?...I don't think I know what that is anymore.

8. What about my latest hobby addiction...climbing....hmph...if I can't do chin ups...whats the point of climbing?...I can't even boulder properly....I traverse 30 holds and my hands get pumped. Not to mention dyno...I can't dyno for nuts! The new shoes hurt like hell and its making my feet sore,but, hey, thats how its suppose to be.

9. I found out that I have no talent what so ever. I thought I could at least play music by ear...haha...right! very wrong.I can only play my right hand well....

10. About my studies...God! I am just doing this to get a degree...I dont think I have the flare and I am just too plain lazy! What am I kidding...graphic design?....I do all my work last minute all the time...

11. I am tired of being the person who is laughed at not laughed with...I am always teased....but when I tease the person back...the person would get hurt...why?....

I made a conclusion....I think I am failure.....I can't keep friends right...I can't have good talent....and I have ALOT of crushes and NONE of them have come to me and ask me out....well, atleast not for a date....


we said...

wehhhhh manede i get hurt when u tease me backkkkkk.

bilabambam said...

not you la...orang lain

bilabambam said...

not you la...orang lain