My last post would be extremely outdated. Since my mind has been clogged up with a lot of things my mom and sister told me to just write it down and generate things perhaps in writing. I have a blog, therefore it makes sense if I type it down here.
I have been in the bank for a year and 2 months now, and despite having an extremely difficult superior. I have been trying to pace myself with activities outside of work so that I would remain sane. Though, I am grateful that I have a family who cares and pour complete affection towards me. I have to remind myself to remain aware so that I don't pacify myself to them whenever I have problems.
I have met two men that I think I have fallen for. The first was a Malay and it didn't go well, because he said he wanted to stay in the grey area in which I did not really understand. So, I think it would be as that. The second is a German guy who left a few days ago and have given me so much effect in my life that I am trying to collect the good advice he has given me.
We went on a complete 3 days together and while we were there, he was a complete gentleman and with this, I have to say, no man has treated me with such respect before (apart from my dad, grandfather and uncles that is). He came with the utmost responsibility and was a respectable in every way possible. I speak highly now of him because I never thought I would see someone or meet someone who is with that criteria.
We have decided that we can't prolong the relationship as we both need to concentrate on our paths and the negative effects would be more obvious than the positive. He would be the first person who convinced me that I could do anything in this world if I put my mind into it and at the same time thought that I was smart enough. He too told me that I was beautiful just that I didn't have the capabilities to know it myself. Though, we can't be together, I am ultimately grateful that he crossed into my life. He would also be the first man ever to travel 10,000 km just to see me, and that would be as that.
These would be some of the memories that we have of the days we spent together.