Yeaay for my work and I am a Junior designer, but, i still have room to grow. Frankly, I don't think that I am that old to learn. So, at the moment I don't think I mind learning everything from scratch. It is the politics that is bugging me and also the am afraid of people just using me cause I get that everywhere. Not kidding..its cause prolly I allow myself to be used...but, its learning not to let ppl use me.
I don't think I like who ever I like anymore. I have actually changed my feelings to a photographer in malay mail. There 5 photographers, therefore, I have only one photographer that I have a crush on and he takes amazing photos. I admire the fact that he is willing to climb up anywhere to get the right picture. Hmph...that is it than...
I just hope I can handle 2 jobs in one go. I am absolutely slammmed...slammed as hell!